블록체인 및 스테이킹 기술에 중점을 둔 기술 회사인 문스테이크는 오늘 모바일 지갑 출시를 발표했습니다. 이제 문스테이크 모바일 지갑을 App Store Google Play에서 사용할 수 있습니다.


많은 지갑이 제한된 범위의 암호 화폐만 지원하기 때문에, 사용자는 지갑과 자산 관리 및 스테이킹 관리를 위해 지갑 간에 전환해야하며 보상청구 과정이 매우 불편합니다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 문스테이크 모바일 지갑은 원 스톱 스테이킹 솔루션을 제공합니다.


문스테이크 지갑을 사용하면 사용자가 기기에서 개인 키를 완벽하게 관리 할 수 ​​있으며, 자산 상태를 새로 출시된 모바일 지갑과 동기화하여 사용자의 편의를 크게 높일 수 있습니다.


사용자는 지갑을 통해 송수신 및 스테이킹 보상을 받을 수 있습니다. 동시에, 사용자는 하나의 패스프레이즈 로 각 코인과 2000개가 넘는 토큰마다 다른 지갑을 다운로드 하지 않고  다양한 자산에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 자산은 사용자의 기존 지갑에 남아 있으므로 플랫폼에서 계정이 해킹 될 염려가 없으며, 개인 키 및 암호는 암호화되어 사용자의 로컬 디바이스에 저장됩니다.


또한, 사용자가 암호 화폐의 사용 및 잠재력을 극대화 할 수 있는 올 인원 게이트웨이가 되기 위해 문스테이크 모바일 지갑은 코스모스 (Cosmos) 및 아이리스넷(IRISnet)와 같은 여러 자산을 지원하며 곧 온톨로지(Ontology), 하모니(Harmony), 큐라스(Quras) 등과 같은 주요 암호 화폐를 지원합니다. 얼마전 문스테이크는 웹 지갑을 출시했으며 이번 출시로 코인 보유자는 웹 및 모바일 지갑을 통해 문스테이크의 스테이킹 기능에 완전히 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 문스테이크 지갑에서  한 번의 클릭으로 디바이스에서 개인 키를 완벽하게 관리하고 스테이킹 기능의 자산을 동기화하는 완벽한 사용자 기능을 경험하세요. 


문스테이크(Moonstake Pte. Ltd): 

문스테이크는 최근 지역 및 글로벌 블록체인 시장의 증가하는 요구를 충족시키기 위해 스테이킹 풀 프로토콜을 개발하기 위해 설립되었습니다. 스테이킹은 암호 화폐 보유자가 블록 검증 거래로부터 블록 보상을 받을 가능성을 높일 수 있는 일종의 합의 알고리즘으로 스테이크 증명 (PoS)을 채택합니다. 그것은 스테이킹을 할 수있는 능력을 제공하고 궁극적으로 기여에 따라 블록 보상을 분배합니다. 문스테이크는 스테이킹 풀 프로토콜을 개발하고 파트너와 회사를 통해 비즈니스 서비스를 제공합니다. 스테이킹은 블록체인 기술을 향상시키고 분산화를 위해 노력할 것입니다.


문스테이크는 아시아에서 가장 큰 스태킹 풀 네트워크를 만드는 것을 목표로하며, 가상화폐 보유자를 위한 강력한 환경을 만드는것이 중요한 임무 중 하나입니다. 문스테이크와의 명확한 파트너십 로드맵을 수립하는 것은 아시아의 급성장하는 DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) 에코 시스템 전반에서 주요 플랫폼과의 관계를 지속적으로 강화하기위한 또 다른 중요한 이정표입니다. 최근 일본 최대의 블록체인 허브 인 Binarystar, Ontology,싱가포르 카탈리스트 상장 기업인 DLF Holdings Limited (SGX: KUX)Quras와의 파트너십이 아시아에서 함께 번영하는 생태계를 만들기 위해 발표되었습니다. Lisk, Ethikom Consultancy의 CEO 인 Nizam Ismail, Harmony의 마케팅 책임자 인 Garlam Won과 같은 업계의 유명한 고문은 문스테이크의 혁신적인 여행을 지원합니다.


Alex Hui, Director at Moonstake, appeared in a series of Podcast episodes by Tokyo FinTech with Haichao Zhu, Associate Director at the Algorand Foundation hosted by Norbert Gehrke, Founder of Tokyo FinTech.Alex and Haichao had an exciting session about the proof-of-stake and its enormous potential to support the growing blockchain industry.

Besides, Alex, representing Moonstake, explained the company’s decent plan to build a pan-Asian staking business and answered the question why Moonstake focused on the Proof-of-Stake rather than Proof-of-Work mining pool. Whereas, Haichao of Algorand, an open source public blockchain based on a pure proof-of-stake consensus protocol, talked about its PoS protocol, the features of Algorand 2.0, and recent developments.

The podcast is available at the following link;


Today, Moonstake announced its partnership with Quras that allows staking pool participants to stake XQC to earn XQG.

Moonstake is in the process of establishing the requisite technical environment to operate as a node with full cooperation by Quras.

“Moonstake is delighted to welcome Quaras to the Moonstake family. Our growth and acceleration in client development is evidence of a robust staking marketplace and we aspire to be one of the industry leaders in helping shape this industry,” said Alex Hui, Director of Moonstake.

Quras will provide public relations and technology support. Moonstake’s partner Binarystar, which runs Japan’s biggest Blockchain Business Hub in Tokyo, has agreed to enter into this partnership to support these activities by hosting events and overseeing community development.

“Staking is a great opportunity to join the ecosystem through blockchain validation. Also, joining a staking pool simply helps to add more active users for us. We have been considering which pool to partner with as our first. The Moonstake team is established from a professional team with experience, which was just what we were looking for,” explained Ken Misuma, CMO of Quras. “We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Moonstake.”

Quras has a strong community in Japan and through this partnership together with Binarystar, Moonstake anticipates further cooperation in building its presence in the Japanese market.


Moonstake Pte Limited, entered into a strategic business alliance with Ontology, a high-performance public blockchain and distributed collaboration platform headquartered in Singapore.

Moonstake was recently established to develop a staking pool protocol to satisfy increasing demands in regional and global blockchain markets. Moonstake develops a staking pool protocol and provides business services through partners and companies. Staking is expected to help elevate the blockchain technology and work for decentralization.

“Moonstake will start staking Ontology’s “ONT” coin inside its staking pool,” confirmed Chia Hock Lai, Chief Strategic Officer of Moonstake. “Through this partnership, we will collaborate with Ontology in the technology infrastructure and public relations.”

Hock Lai continued, “Moonstake’s partner Binarystar will also support marketing efforts for this partnership and both companies by event organization and local community development.”

Moonstake’s goal of these coordinated activities is to work with Ontology to cultivate an Asian investor community, to energize the community, and drive staking activity and accelerate industry adoption of Proof of Stake (PoS) transaction validation.

“As Japan is one of the important countries for Ontology, we’ve set our local office here with the support of Binarystar–Japan’s biggest Blockchain Business Hub in Tokyo. Also formed a strategic partnership with GUMI to build the decentralized blockchain network from a combination of industry specific modules, in addition to identity authentication, data exchange and sharing. We believe with the collaboration of Moonstake, we will attract more local stakers to delegate their “ONT” to Moonstake platform and create a more prosperous ecosystem together” said Andy Ji, Co-founder of Ontology.

“Binarystar is excited by this partnership where our complementary skills and resources are brought together to achieve synergies that would not have been possible otherwise in the staking space,” said Junya Yamamoto, Chief Executive Officer of Binarystar. “These advantages include technical infrastructure expertise, geographic markets, marketing know-how and a pool of potential clients.”

Today, Moonstake and Binarystar have announced support for Harmony Open Staking to Moonstake’s recently launched staking platform. Starting soon with the launch of Open Staking on Harmony, Moonstake users with $ONE will be able to delegate their coins to the validator. Users will begin receiving their share of the block rewards produced by nodes operated by Moonstake on the Harmony Network.

“We’re excited about our strategic partnership with Harmony–one of the first steps towards our vision of growing Moonstake into one of the world’s leading staking platforms,” said Mitsuru Tezuka, CEO of Moonstake. “We now have strong momentum, and are working quickly to build Moonstake into a very sizeable staking pool that will benefit cryptocurrency stakers worldwide.”

Moonstake will develop and manage the staking pool. Moonstake will be both a staking Validator and a Delegator, with the assistance of Harmony. Binarystar will provide marketing and business development.  Harmony has appointed Garlam Won, Head of Asia, as an official advisor for Moonstake’s new staking platform.

“The blockchain startup ecosystem in Japan is growing incredibly fast. We are proud to be part of this growth story and actively contributing to it, whether that’s through our community building, partnerships with local startups, or enabling millions of people in Japan to have the benefit of blockchain technology,” affirmed Nikos Kostopoulos, Digital Communities at Harmony.  Kostopoulos continued, “Today, we are excited to launch our new partnership with the Binarystar accelerator to focus further on the growth of our Japanese developer ecosystem.

Moonstake’s partner Binarystar, which runs Japan’s biggest Blockchain Business Hub in Tokyo, has agreed to enter into this partnership to support these marketing activities by hosting events and overseeing Harmony’s community development in Japan.

Moonstake Pte Limited, entered into a strategic business alliance with DLF Holdings Limited (SGX: KUX), a Singapore Catalist-Listed company, and officially launched its business operations to develop a staking pool protocol in Singapore.
Moonstake was recently established to develop a staking pool protocol to satisfy increasing demands in regional and global blockchain markets. Staking adopts Proof of Stake (PoS) as a type of consensus algorithm which allows cryptocurrency holders to increase the likelihood of receiving block rewards from its block validation transaction. It brings together the ability to stake and ultimately distributes block rewards based on contribution. Moonstake develops a staking pool protocol and provides business services through partners and companies. Staking is expected to help elevate the blockchain technology and work for decentralization.

The new alliance will own the Intellectual Property (“IP”) for staking-related products that Moonstake develops. Both Moonstake and DLF will collaborate together for marketing, software sales, and explore market needs for the staking pool business in Singapore and other South Asian countries.

For its business expansion into the Japanese market, Moonstake signed an agreement with Binarystar Co. Ltd., Japan’s largest blockchain business hub with a wide variety of member companies including stock listed companies, such as Tanseisha and GMO Cloud. Through consultancy and acceleration services by using its extensive network, Binarystar has played a pivotal role in foreign blockchain projects to promote and localize their products in the Japanese market. Binarystar will help Moonstake with marketing, PR, software sales and partnership expansion in Japan and the East Asian region.

The use of blockchain technology is now possible because of the current enhanced state of stability and reliability of the internet environment. There is widespread adoption of connecting small network systems to provide redundancy and business continuity and thus enhances system network performance. Moonstake creates a scalable staking pool for token holders that limits the increased operating costs caused by a sudden influx of users.

“We are delighted to announce some exciting partnerships with leading companies in Asia,” said Alex Hui, director of Moonstake Pte Ltd.

“Staking is fast-becoming a core function of the crypto trading and all serious large-scale coins/tokens holders (“whales”) who stake require a wallet with enterprise-grade security, robust features, and control over their staking. Specifically, we will partner with Binarystar, the blockchain business hub leader in Japan, to develop strategic partnerships with their roster of early adopters and developers to find synergies, harness network effects, and accelerate adoption,” Hui explained.

“We are pleased to have launched a partnership with Moonstake. We believe that the new business ideas with innovative technology represented by blockchain will be expanded in the modern era,” said Fan Chee Seng, Chairman of DLF Holdings Limited.

“On staking business, the fact that the way to participate in staking and advantages participants receive makes Moonstake’s business model will play a pivotal role in the blockchain community and society in general. With this alliance, Binarystar strengthens our staking alliance in Asia,” said Junya Yamamoto, CEO of Binarystar Co. Ltd.