stakeable assets
Coming Soon
Easy access to staking pool with your fully controlled Moonstake Wallet!
Single Access for Staking Functions!
Coin holders have full access to Moonstake’s staking functions via web . Seamless user experience to fully manage your private keys on your device and synchronise assets on staking functions with one click with Moonstake wallet!
Stake and track your staking reward with our handy reward dashboard.
Stakeable assets
Create a Web Wallet account
More than 2,000 coins & tokens supported on both iOS and Android applications.
Safely participate in a staking pools while managing your own private keys. Manage your crypto assets and track your staking rewards with our mobile app wallet.
Stakeable assets
Download our Mobile App Wallet
Enterprise Solutions
Asia’s Most Trusted Staking-as-a-Service and Enterprise Wallet Solution
With our close working relationships with esteemed projects and communities, as well as our inhouse blockchain development expertise, Moonstake is the best choice for any financial institutions, exchanges, and custodians in Asia looking to enable better investment yields for their users in the most simple and secure manner.
Since its inception, Moonstake has actively built partnerships with prominent blockchain projects in the industry for technical collaboration and seamless staking adoption. We will further expand cooperation with core blockchains and leading DeFi projects to accelerate the connection from staking to DeFi.
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